
Your Task List Will Expand to Fill the Alotted Time OR How I Lost Track of Two Months

I am a busy guy. I don’t really have ‘free’ time and I like it that way.

I have things to do.

I am an engineer and project manager, a husband with a large yard and an old house, a scuba diver, a traveler, an aspiring writer and guitar player, and occasionally a blogger. It’s the ‘occasional’ that I want to address here.

I started blogging because I had ideas, opinions, and general thoughts that I believed someone would find entertaining. I also enjoy writing and do it every day in some form. Lately, it’s spent more planning to write than actually writing. But that is always a struggle.

Yet, this year my other tasks seemed to have gotten the edge on me and I found myself buried in ‘things to do.’ This all resulted in two months vanishing without me really writing anything substantive. This blog will break that cycle and tick off one of my tasks. I have made a nice dent in my list and have even started using a Kanban board to manage my priorities.

(I can honestly say that it has worked. The engineers and nerds out there will know what I’m talking about.)

The pics in this post are a small sample of what I was doing in May and June, including:

  • Rewiring a production line
  • Scuba diving in Key West
  • Visiting the Hemingway House
  • Laying tile in my basement
  • Shakespeare in the park
  • Drinking beer with a cat
  • And something to do with a saw

As you can see, I’ve been busy.

There are still lots of stories from our Egypt trip to write up and I need to have that wrapped before our Italy trip. So, I’ve got some work to get done.

I hope you’re enjoying your summer. I’m going to go tear out a basement closet, now.